[my life, my blessings, my journey]

Linked 52: Trees

"The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, then dead timber. The tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky." ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Linked 52: Trees

Linked 52: Trees

Linked 52: Trees

Linked 52: Trees

Be sure to take a minute to check out my friends who may also be linking up this week.
Michelle, Heather, Jenn, Heather. Rhonda, Tracey, Stacey, Andrea, Jessica, Amanda, Sarah, Janet, Lesli, Carla, Lena, Rose, Naomi, Tracy, Heidi, Kristin, Veronica,Amy,
Liza, and Jean


A challenge for myself: embrace the camera. Embrace photos of myself with my family. I know that I will look back at some point and really want to kick myself for not having more photos of me with my children and husband. I know how much I absolutely cherish photos of my brother and me with our parents and I want this for my own littles.

I want them to know I used to be young.

And I smiled often when I was with them.

And I loved their daddy like crazy.

And I wasn't too insecure to get in front of my own lens.

And I didn't always wear yoga pants.

And I loved them like I've never loved anything else on this whole cotton-pickin' Earth.

The End.

#embracethecamera 4.23.12

Project 52 Week 16 {Perspective}

We watched a pair of red finches build this nest in a tree near our front door over the past several weeks. The kids and I talked a lot about how hard they were working, how carefully they were preparing this nest for the babies that would soon fill it.

After some strong winds this week, we came home one day to find the nest laying in the grass, the new babies nearby. They did not survive the fall. The momma finch sat in the tree watching me as I took in the scene, my heart breaking for her.

I know she is just a bird - and she will likely have many more nests and even more babies to fill them. But I couldn't help but feel heartbroken for her. She had worked so hard, she had taken such care in lining her nest with downy feathers to welcome her babies. I thought about this scene from her perspective.

Have you ever take the time to look at a nest up close? It's truly amazing what these little birds are capable of in the home-building department.

Here's hoping that they re-build this spring in the same tree. We still see the pair coming and going so my fingers are crossed for her. :)

Project 52 Week 16 {perspective}


Last night at bedtime, I told this little beauty that she wasn't allowed to wake up and turn five years old this morning. After lots of convincing, I reluctantly agreed to let her turn five.

On one condition.

She's not allowed to turn six.

Don't you wish it worked that way?

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Project 52 Week 14 {Home}

There are approximately 957 Project 52s out there. Approximately.

Here's how it works: a totally amazing photographer puts out a theme for each week and you can post your interpretation of the theme on Flickr, Facebook, their blog, your blog, etc. Often they choose a winner or their favorites and post them and sometimes they even give away photography related prizes.

I decided to follow along with My Four Hens for 2012. As I said, there are so many to choose from so I just did an eeny-meeny-miney-mo (very well thought out and scientific, I know) and ended on M4H and she makes it super easy - just post your photo on Flickr each week. Easy peasy. Just my style.

So imagine my utter shock and bewilderment this week when one of my photos was chosen as one of her favorites. Especially when you see the other photos that she picked. Especially since it was a last-minute, hurry-up-and-shoot, not what I had planned for the theme photo. I am totally humbled. And still can't understand how Peeps stood up to all that {home} loveliness. For real.
You can see them all here.

Project 52 Week 14 {Home}

my boy



I will stop loving you when

apples grow on mango trees

on the 30th of february.

Project 52 Week 13 {Nature}

Playing catch-up here...last week's theme for my Project 52 was nature. The green is so pretty and vibrant. This shot is SOOC and reminds me of some spring shots I took last year that I really loved.

This week:

Project 52 Week 13 {Nature}

Last June:


These straight-out-of-camera shots remind me: leave well enough alone. Some things - many things - are pretty and perfect just the way they are.


birthday girl

Our sweet Caroline is seven today.

She is adventurous, compassionate and a light to those around her.

Today we celebrate who she is....and who she will become.
We can't wait to see all that God has for her - we have no doubt He has big dreams for her.

We love you, sweet girl!