[my life, my blessings, my journey]

Shakespeare & some photos

"This above all: to thine own self be true." ~Shakespeare

I'm struggling with finding my own style, my own voice, myself in my photography. I follow several really great photography/life blogs - some of the "authors" I know, others I don't. I used to feel really inspired and motivated when I would look at their photos and try to figure out just how they captured it, what lighting they were working with, what the shots looked like SOOC (straight out of camera) and so on. I ask lots of questions and try to practice often. Sometimes life happens - okay, a LOT of the time it happens - and I don't pick up my camera for a few days.

About a week ago, a friend of mine sent me a great article about being yourself and finding your own voice and inspiration. Stop caring what others think - photograph what you love. I'm taking that advice to heart. My friend couldn't have known it, but this was exactly what I needed right now. A big thanks and hug to you, Stacey.

And so, my friends, these are photos that I've taken recently that speak to me for one reason or another. They are not technically perfect (or even great), maybe they aren't composed according to "the rules" but at least for today, I don't care. With the exception of the black and whites, I really did minimal editing. I'm focusing more on getting the technical stuff right and will worry about composition and artistic impression later - a HUGE lesson I learned about myself during my winter workshop. They make my heart happy and that's what counts.



Diptych 4editbday




Sarah said...

Amanda your photos are beautiful! I get discouraged also when I look at some other photographers photos. When I get discouraged, I know it is time to take a break from them....but several years from now I don't think I will care if something is out of focus or over/under exposed, I will care that I have that memory. Have a good day!

Andrea said...

What a great post! It's easy to get lost in trying to emulate the other photographers out there. I know I do it in part to try to learn new things. But then I end up over-thinking it all when I pick-up my camera to take pictures.
I just need to pick up my camera and snap away. The moment is what I'm trying to capture, not the perfect SOOC shot.
And I like the article that Stacey sent you. :-) Thanks for sharing it!

stacey said...

Oh I'm so happy you were encouraged by that post I sent you. It's one of those print out and tape to your wall kind of posts for me. A great reminder in this world that seems saturated with photographers these days. There was SO much truth in those words for me.

Love these photos, Amanda. My favorite is the one of Caroline sitting on the couch with her grandma or your grandma (?). I love the light coming in from that window and how it frames them so perfectly. A little slice of real life. You definitely found the light with this photo. And it's not just that one. Your "light" shines not only through your photos but also through your words. God delights in you! Thank you for sharing.