[my life, my blessings, my journey]

a boy and his toys

My little man, Jack, is 10 months old today. I remember exactly how I was feeling before he was born - wondering how I would adjust to a third child, wondering how the girls would adjust and just how much our lives would change. He has been such a blessing and has completed our family. He is such a happy guy and is developing a distinct personality and place in our family.

Jack loves cars, trucks and balls. Anything that moves or has wheels. He's
such a boy! His favorite cars are these "zoom-zoom" cars that my sister-in-law and her fiance gave him for Christmas....they put on a lot of miles.


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This little bugger moves so fast these days I have a hard time catching him! Working on my shutter speeds so I don't cut his head off anymore...


I came across this photo of our sweet Caroline from Christmas (yes, we do call her that). I think in my mind I will always see her this way - 5 years old with a toothless smile on her face. I simply adore this girl.



Jenny said...

Gorgeous photos! Love it. What were your settings? Love the depth of field! Super intimate and sweet.

Amanda said...

Jenny, the setting for Jack's photos were as follows: SS: 1/100, f/2.5, ISO 250. Shot with my 50mm. Caroline: 1/50 SS, f/4.0, ISO 200.

Lauren said...

cuties! jack seems so sweet - i want to meet him!
i heard your dad's coming in town this weekend - want to hitch a ride with him? ;o) wishful... hope he has a safe trip - we're supposed to get 4-5 inches (and maybe 7 in some places)... i know that doesn't sound like much to you but we indy folks don't adapt to it as well as you northerners!
love you - miss you loads! hugs to all! ~L