[my life, my blessings, my journey]

I love a random list....

I always enjoy reading blog posts with random lists of things - things she likes, books she's read, favorites. It often gives me pause - what books am I reading? What IS my favorite color? What's the most moving thing I've read or seen lately?

I love the color orange. I would not have said this as a child...or even two years ago.

I'm reading "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten-Boom. Have you read this?

There is always a stack of books, bibles, devotionals and journals on my nightstand. My husband asks me what time the library opens and if the book he placed on hold last week is in yet. Smarty pants.

99.9% of the recipes I've pinned on Pinterest lately contain avocados. This means a.) I love avocados and b.) I can't wait for summer and all those yummy avocado salads and fresh farmers market produce.

99.9% of the recipes I've made from Pinterest lately have been a bust.

I am blessed to have several wonderful girlfriends right now that speak encouragement and loving truth into my life. I have not always had this.

I am learning that the harder I fight against His purpose for me, the more bold and unrelenting He becomes. I am learning that I have to find a way to ditch my insecurity and be confident in who He is calling me to be. This. is. hard.

Last but not least, Downton Abbey. Obessed.

And I cannot leave this post without a photo. My sweet boy.

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this is our story title_appleberry

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My girl is home today. Not feeling well. Again. She had pneumonia over Christmas break and today she woke with another fever and massive headache. So today we will read. We will puzzle. We will rest.

this is our story title_appleberry

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“The best things are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain common work as it comes certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things of life.”
― Robert Louis Stevenson

Hello, 2013!

Things are changing around here. For several months I've been feeling and experiencing a shift in the way I see my life, my photography, my writing (eek!) and how I want to document it all. I don't want my photos to look as they always (or usually) have. I want to feel more connected to every single thing I create - my words, my photographs, the conscious atmosphere I want to create in my home.

this is our story {2013} is a little project you will frequently see here. It will feature pieces of our every day life. I simply want to feel connected to each and every image I post here, to each and every shutter click. My hope is that it will focus on the best things, the nearest things. And hopefully along the way we will catch glimpses of the path of God.